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Writer's pictureMatt Evans

What are you carrying in your Rucksack??

So often we carry a weight with us that is the heaviest thing we can carry. Judgements.

And although we can't see them, we can feel them at any and every moment.

They are the thoughts that tell us we aren't good enough, that we should be better, or we should be different... 

(and we all know that 'should' word means we're arguing with what really is...we're never going to win that one)

We see other people, all the things they have, how they look, what they do, and compare ourselves to them.

We don't have a clue how those people got there, why they did it, or anything about them, but we still compare and make ourselves wrong or lesser, for being just who we are, while they're over there living their life...

And even better we take the judgements of others... Parents, partners, family, friends, colleagues.. they throw their judgements at us, which can sometimes be huge boulders, and put them in our bag too! 

"you should be this"

"You should be that"

Ok, let me just pick up that 100Kg weight and carry it around all day for you...

So we have all these big heavy judgements, and we put them in our bag, which weighs us down every day. They stop us living into our true self and full potential constantly.

The potential to live each day and moment with more purpose, lightness, fun, freedom and love.

We keep trying to move, run or play and

it feel SOOO heavy.

We tell ourselves that life is hard.

If only we hadn't got all this weight and pressure on our shoulders.

Well here's the thing.

Put down the bag....

This is your gift to yourself.

You get to choose to put this down on the ground and walk away.

You get to take it off your shoulders and leave it behind.

Its all within your control, its all within your thoughts.

And when you do leave it there, walk away with forgiveness for yourself. 

You carried it for so long because you didn't know any better and you thought it was what you were meant to do. you thought it would be fuel for being something better when in fact it was just a weight bearing down on you

Don't judge yourself more for judging yourself in the past. Its gone...

Don't judge others for giving you their judgements, they don't know any better themselves, don't hand them the rock back.

And certainly don't judge yourself for carrying it.

You just didn't know you could put it all down.

So drop the bag, go play.

Life's there to be created from fun, freedom and love, not from judgement.

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